North Hinksey CE School

North Hinksey CE Primary School

School Uniform

School uniform consists of a school logo jumper, cardigan or hoodie, navy, black or grey trousers or shorts, navy, black or grey skirt or dress (or blue checked summer dress), white polo shirt, white or grey socks or tights and indoor school shoes (e.g. plimsolls).

We ask for children to wear their PE kit to school on the days they have PE. The PE kit is dark plain jogging bottoms or shorts, plain white t shirt (or blue logo PE t shirt from Price and Buckland) and a school logo jumper, cardigan or hoodie.

School sweatshirts and cardigans should be ordered online through Price and Buckland. Delivery costs £2.95 to your home address, however there is the option for free delivery to school. Deliveries will be made to the school twice a month.

All other items of uniform may be purchased from suppliers of your choice. PE t-shirts, rain jackets, book bags and PE bags are also available to purchase from Price and Buckland as above, but these are not compulsory.

Children can wear any type of outdoor shoes but please make sure your child is able to put them on and fasten them independently. If they are sandals they should not be strappy and all shoes should be flat, no heels. Children play on the school field at break and lunchtimes throughout the year so please ensure that their shoes are appropriate as it can get quite muddy.

​Please ensure that your child brings a coat to school every day if the weather is cold or rain is forecast. If it is sunny, your child may wish to bring a sunhat. If you would like your child to wear sun cream, please apply this in the morning before school.